
Why Do Some People Have Dark Rings Around the Iris of Their Eye?

  I enjoy writing about fashion as well as the natural beauty of nature. Prominent limbal rings enhance the beauty of the eye. wiki commons Limbal Rings Dark circles or rings around the iris are known as limbal rings. They appear as a dark border separating the iris from the whites of the eye. Considered to be a desirable fashion, they highlight the iris colour and make the whites look whiter, adding drama to the eye's appearance. A 2011 article in  Evolutionary Psychology  noted the results of a study that revealed that people are generally more attracted to those with defined limbal rings than those without. This finding proved to be true for both men and women. So, what causes these magical rings, and how do you get them if you haven't naturally been blessed with them? Are they just another aesthetic feature to be insecure about? The corneal limbus is a border separating the cornea from the sclera. Interesting Facts About Limbal Rings Genetically, eye colour is quite c...

People Whose Eyes Have A Dark Ring Around The Iris Appear More Attractive, Study Says

  Introduction Hazelnut, sea green, sparkling or amber? Whenever someone asks us about our favorite eye color, the answer comes in different shades. There seem to be thousands of shades, and people find one color more attractive than others. At least that's what we thought. But, recent studies are showing us a completely different answer. It's revealed that the color is not that important; rather, a dark circle called limbal rings  on the eye can make all the difference! Understanding Limbal Rings   Limbal rings , a quite uncommon term for the people, in general, are causing us all the trouble. It is a dark ring that separates the iris from the sclera. If you are looking for a more straightforward term, it is the ring that separates the colored part from the white part of the eyes. You might be thinking, why didn't you hear about this limbal ring then? Well, because, when people are talking about the attractiveness of humans, they seem to talk about face, color, hair, hei...

The Eyes Have It: Limbal Rings and Attraction

  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is a common saying, intended to capture the idea that aesthetic standards are subjective. A face that one person perceives as alluring, may be found by another to be unattractive. But what about the eye of the  beheld?  Do we judge attractiveness based on the appearance of the eyes themselves? During conversation, we focus on the eyes of others. We use our eyes to communicate our feelings and our interest. But surprisingly little research has been conducted into how eyes are implicated in attraction, at least compared to the heaps of research into the attractiveness of the face, the voice, and even body odor. Mitch Brown and Donald Sacco of the University of Southern Mississippi stared the problem directly in the eye (sorry) and conducted a series of studies, the results of which were recently published in the journal  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Brown and Sacco took a set of facial photographs that had been ma...

How Big Is Your Limbal Ring?

  Of all the qualities that give an attractive person an edge, here's one you've likely overlooked: the limbal ring, the dark circle around iris. The limbal ring is the line that separates the colored part of the eye from the white (the sclera).    It's completely  unconscious , the way we all judge others' limbal rings. In the 20 milliseconds or so it takes to assess a person's  attractiveness , you're factoring in the size and shade of the limbal rings. The bigger and blacker they are, the more attractive the eyes. People with the prettiest eyes have the most prominent limbal rings.   This, anyhow, is the upshot of a  recent study  by Darren Peshek and his colleagues at the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California at Irvine.  The researchers showed volunteers eighty pairs of male and female faces. Each pair of faces was identical except the eyes: one had dark limbal rings and the other had no limba...

Limbal ring

A  limbal ring  is a dark ring around the  iris  of the eye, where the  sclera  meets the  cornea . [1]  It is a dark-colored manifestation of the  corneal limbus  resulting from optical properties of the region. [2]  The appearance and visibility of the limbal ring can be negatively affected by a variety of medical conditions concerning the peripheral cornea. [3]  It has been suggested that limbal ring thickness may correlate with health or youthfulness and may contribute to facial attractiveness. [3] [4]  Some  contact lenses  are colored to simulate limbal rings. [1] Both health and age are positively correlated with a prominent limbal ring. [5]  For instance, a darker limbal ring tends to be found more attractive than the absence of a limbal ring, suggesting that both sexes "use the limbal ring as a probabilistic indicator of reproductive fitness". [5]  Furthermore, limbal rings appear to be most no...